Kalling’s 2 Reagent, 500 mL



Kalling’s No.2 Reagent (AKA Kalling’s etch, Waterless Kalling’s) serves as a specialized metallographic etchant tailored for Ni-Cu, nickel-based superalloys, ferritic and martensitic 400 series stainless steel. This powerful etchant darkens martensite, readily attacks ferrite, and slightly etches austenite without affecting carbides.

This product is formulated in accordance with formula number 94 “Kalling’s 2” of ASTM Standard E407. Made with reagent-grade cupric chloride, hydrochloric acid, and ethanol to ensure quality and reliability. Despite being referred to as “Waterless Kalling’s” occasionally, it contains a small amount of water derived from alcohol and hydrochloric acid.

We have a modified and stronger version of Kalling’s reagent here for high corrosion-resistant superalloys.


User Instructions:

  • Mirror-polish the sample surface with diamond slurry or alumina (1 µm or finer) before etching. Avoid using colloidal silica, as the residue might react with the etchant.
  • The metal surface must be etched immediately after polishing, cleaning, and drying. Otherwise, these alloys might passivate.
  • Use this product under a fume hood. Immerse or swab the polished surface for a few seconds to a minute.
  • Rinse the sample with water to stop the reaction once the desired outcome is achieved.


Nalgene® Leakproof Bottle, HDPE.

Inconel 718 etched with Kalling's 2 reagent

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